Mugs with matching colored knitted cuffs as cutlery holders

Mugs with matching colored knitted cuffs as cutlery holders

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starting at €20

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Series Icon This image is part of a series

Scrambled eggs with zucchini, olives and bacon
Roast beef with roasted vegetables
Silver leaf branches in a glass carafe wrapped in woollen threads and white sprayed branches in a jug vase
Coconut milk rice with fruit salad
A brunch buffet on a sideboard
Mushroom quiche
Chai halzelnut lattes
Mediterranean pasta salad and roast beef with roasted vegetables
Small jars with chai latte spice mix as a gifts
Mugs with matching colored knitted cuffs as cutlery holders
Small vases with branches on labels with recipe names

This image is part of a feature

Winter White Brunch
© Feature by Westermann, Jan-Peter | 11 Images & Text

Layout the buffet and pour the mimosas. The company is coming and it is time for one of our favorite meals, Brunch! A little company and a menu of mushroom quiche, hazelnut chai lattes, and coconut milk rice with fruit are just what you and friends and family need to keep the cold winter at bay.

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To Image Professionals ArtShop
Image ID:13235637
Caption:Mugs with matching colored knitted cuffs as cutlery holders
License type:Rights-managed
Contributor:StockFood / StockFood Studios / Westermann, Jan-Peter
Image size:3621 px x 4826 px